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I want to compare an arrayList object with a String, ignoring case. How can I do this?

Following code written in Java

public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception
    ordListe ol = new ordListe();

Is my main method. This is about reading from file and adding to a arraylist(dictionary). ''Hello'' and "hello" is supposed to be the same word, and in the code under, it should increase the count of that word.

for (int i = 0; i < ordListe.size(); i++)
        if (ordListe.toString().contains(s))
            if (ordListe.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s))
                System.out.println("'" + s + "' That word is found and there are " + ord.hentAntall() + " of that word now in dictionary.");

            Ord ny = new Ord(s);
            System.out.println("'" + s + "' This word is added. " + ny.hentAntall() + " of this word in dictionary.");

So this is a part of my code. From the main method I add words like ol.leggTilOrd("hello"); leggTilOrd is my method where the code right above is taken from. This is the part of the code that adds words to the dictionary/arrayList and checks if inputwords already exists. I have no problem with anything else than the specific if (ordListe.get(i).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) part. If a word exist in the arrayList, I'm supposed to increase the count of that word. If not, I add the word in the arraylist (ordListe). The problem is that even if I add ol.leggTilOrd("hello") or ol.leggTilOrd("Hello"); with capital 'H', I can't get to recognize it as the same word even if I use the statements above. How do I do this, any other possibilites? This is my last possible effort, after many attempts earlier.

If there are anything questionable above, just tell me.


  • Change both strings to lower case before comparing and then will help you and is easier!!! Use toLower function and then compare