I am want to cut a hole in a polygon:
| |
| |------| |
| | | |
| |------| |
| |
The outer has the following coords (double):
-0,76 ; -1,5
1,86 ; -1,5
-0,76 ; 1,5
1,86 ; 1,5
The inner coords (double) are:
0,65 ; -0,66
1,57 ; -0,66
0,65 ; 0,75
1,57 ; 0,75
I want to use for this Poly2Tri an created a Polygon with the first four points.
PolygonPoint[] pts = new PolygonPoint[shape.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++)
pts[i] = new PolygonPoint((shape[i].X), (shape[i].Y));
Polygon p = new Polygon(pts);
After that I added a hole with the second four points.
p.AddHole(new Polygon(ptsO));
Now I called:
I get the following exception: Failed to find Node for given afront point
How do I fix this exception?
I'm not familiar with this library, but the outer 4 points are not in counterclockwise order as you specified them. Instead, they cross, where the grey line connects point3 back to point0:
Try adding them in counterclockwise order instead. You may need to create the inner loop in clockwise order, depending on Poly2Tri's conventions.
Just found some documentation here:
- Input/Output
Simple Polygon outer bounary vertices oriented in counter clockwise direction.
Here are the all vertices for holes oriented in clockwise direction;