I am just learning java and have come to a point where coding in 'vi' is killing my hands I'm considering an IDE like 'intelliJ' with code Completion but don't want to use all that project tree , packages etc and be caught up in its complexity, i'll learn how to use an IDE later , Can someone tell me how to just create and run , just a .java file along with codee completiona and debuggin , so that i dont need to save with 'wq' , compile and open vi.filename.java each time, this is why i want an IDE , to make this easier, so please guide me on how to do just this in IntelliJ or suggest some other IDE with good codeCompletion, I know this question is subjective but i;m askinng it since i just had a hard time typing a simple GUI quiz Application
I would just create new Java project (File/New Project/Java), select Create project from template and choose Command line app. This creates a project containing a class with empty main method, which you can run by hitting SHIFT + F10 or debug using SHIFT + F9.
This whole process takes only like 20 seconds.
And as far as the directory structure complexity goes, you have just one directory that you need to be concerned about - src/. You can keep all your classes in the default package if you want and therefore all your code will be in src/ without any subdirectories for packages.
I don't think it gets any easier than this.