Search code examples

MYSQL - Group by limit

Is there a simple way to LIMIT the GROUP BY results to the top 2. The following query returns all the results. Using 'LIMIT 2' reduces the overall list to the top 2 entries only.

select distinct(rating_name), 
       sum(rating_good) 'good', 
       sum(rating_bad) 'bad' 
 from ratings 
 where rating_year=year(curdate()) and rating_week= week(curdate(),1)
 group by rating_name,id_markets
 order by rating_name, sum(rating_good) 

Results in the following :-

poland  78 48 24 12   <- keep
poland   1 15  5  0   <- keep
poland  23 12  6  3
poland   2  5  0  0
poland   3  0  5  0
poland   4  0  0  5
ireland  1  9  3  0   <- keep
ireland  2  3  0  0   <- keep
ireland  3  0  3  0
ireland  4  0  0  3
france  12 24 12  6   <- keep
france   1  3  1  0   <- keep
france 231  1  0  0
france   2  1  0  0
france   4  0  0  1
france   3  0  1  0

Thanks Jon

As requested I have attached a copy of the table structure and some test data. My goal is to create a single view that has the top 2 results from each unique rating_name

CREATE TABLE `zzratings` (
  `id_markets` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `id_account` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `id_users` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_good` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_neutral` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_bad` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_year` smallint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `rating_week` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cash_balance` decimal(9,6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cash_spend` decimal(9,6) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `rating_year` (`rating_year`),
  KEY `rating_week` (`rating_week`),
  KEY `rating_name` (`rating_name`)

INSERT INTO `zzratings` (`id`,`id_markets`,`id_account`,`id_users`,`dateTime`,`rating_good`,`rating_neutral`,`rating_bad`,`rating_name`,`rating_year`,`rating_week`,`cash_balance`,`cash_spend`)
    (63741, 1, NULL, 100, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63742, 1, NULL, 101, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (1, 2, NULL, 102, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63743, 3, NULL, 103, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63744, 4, NULL, 104, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63745, 1, NULL, 105, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63746, 1, NULL, 106, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'poland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63747, 5, NULL, 100, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63748, 5, NULL, 101, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63749, 2, NULL, 102, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63750, 3, NULL, 103, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63751, 4, NULL, 104, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63752, 1, NULL, 105, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63753, 1, NULL, 106, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63754, 1, NULL, 100, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63755, 1, NULL, 101, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63756, 2, NULL, 102, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63757, 34, NULL, 103, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63758, 34, NULL, 104, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63759, 34, NULL, 105, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63760, 34, NULL, 106, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63761, 21, NULL, 100, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63762, 21, NULL, 101, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63763, 21, NULL, 102, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63764, 21, NULL, 103, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63765, 4, NULL, 104, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63766, 1, NULL, 105, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63767, 1, NULL, 106, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'ireland', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63768, 1, NULL, 100, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'france', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63769, 1, NULL, 101, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'france', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63770, 2, NULL, 102, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, 'france', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63771, 3, NULL, 103, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'france', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL),
    (63772, 4, NULL, 104, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 'france', 2010, 15, NULL, NULL);


  • I don't think that there is a simple way in MySQL. One way to do this is by generating a row number for each row partitioned in groups by rating_name, and then only select the rows with row_number 2 or less. In most databases you could do this using something like:

            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY rating_name ORDER BY good) AS rn
        FROM your_table
    ) T1
    WHERE rn <= 2

    Unfortunately, MySQL doesn't support the ROW_NUMBER syntax. You can however simulate ROW_NUMBER using variables:

        rating_name, id_markets, good, neutral, bad
    FROM (
            @rn := CASE WHEN @prev_rating_name = rating_name THEN @rn + 1 ELSE 1 END AS rn,
            @prev_rating_name := rating_name
        FROM (
                SUM(COALESCE(rating_good, 0)) AS good,
                SUM(COALESCE(rating_neutral, 0)) AS neutral,
                SUM(COALESCE(rating_bad, 0)) AS bad
            FROM zzratings
            WHERE rating_year = YEAR(CURDATE()) AND rating_week = WEEK(CURDATE(), 1)
            GROUP BY rating_name, id_markets
        ) AS T1, (SELECT @prev_rating_name := '', @rn := 0) AS vars
        ORDER BY rating_name, good DESC
    ) AS T2
    WHERE rn <= 2
    ORDER BY rating_name, good DESC

    Result when run on your test data:

    france    1  2  0  0
    france    2  1  0  0
    ireland   1  4  2  0
    ireland  21  3  1  0
    poland    1  3  1  0
    poland    2  1  0  0