I have an ember-cli app with a ActiveModelAdapter to a Rails API using rack-cors. I have configured both to use ember-cli-simple-auth-devise.
Locally in development everything works perfectly. But once I deploy the ember-cli app to Heroku I am unable to authenticate my signin, yet am able to retrieve other records. I receive the following 405 Error:
POST http://example.herokuapp.com/businesses/sign_in 405 (Not Allowed)
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am using Business instead of User for my Devise model, but I change User to Business in the application_controller (plus it wouldn't work locally otherwise):
## /backend/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :authenticate_user_from_token!
def authenticate_user_from_token!
authenticate_with_http_token do |token, options|
user_email = options[:user_email].presence
user = user_email && Business.find_by_email(user_email)
## /\ Changed User to Business /\
if user && Devise.secure_compare(user.authentication_token, token)
sign_in user, store: false
Rack-cors config:
## /backend/config.ru
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
run Rails.application
require 'rack/cors'
use Rack::Cors do
# allow all origins in development
allow do
origins '*'
resource '*',
:headers => :any,
:methods => [:get, :post, :delete, :put, :options]
I have configured simple-auth-devise like so:
// frontend/config/environment.js
ENV['simple-auth-devise'] = {
serverTokenEndpoint: 'businesses/sign_in',
resourceName: 'business',
crossOriginWhitelist: ['http://example-backend.herokuapp.com/']
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.
** Update ** I have narrowed it down to the fact that it is a POST to example.herokuapp.com instead of to my rails backend URL of example-backend.herokuapp.com. So I think this has to do with ember-cli-simple-auth not using the proxy I have set with heroku, as the store is doing.
You need to configure the serverTokenEndpoint
including the host when the host is not the one that the Ember app is served from:
ENV['simple-auth-devise'] = {
serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://example-backend.herokuapp.com/businesses/sign_in',
resourceName: 'business',
crossOriginWhitelist: ['http://example-backend.herokuapp.com/']