In My Clojure-code I'd like to generate a class-file that contains a static method (named staticMethod
), which is later on called by in a static context from a Java-program.
I tried (Clojure):
(ns com.stackoverflow.clojure.testGenClass
:name com.stackoverflow.clojure.TestGenClass
:prefix "java-"
:methods [
[#^{:static true} staticMethod [String String] String]
(def ^:private pre "START: ")
(defn #^{:static true} java-staticMethod [this text post]
(str pre text post))
and (Java):
package com.stackoverflow.clojure;
public class TestGenClassTest {
private TestGenClassTest() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestGenClass.staticMethod("Static call from Java!", " :END");
On I read:
By adding metadata – via #^{:static true} – to a method declaration you can also define static methods.
No matter where I put the #^{:static true}
the Java compiler always says:
Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method staticMethod(String, String) from the type TestGenClass
How can I define static methods in Clojure? Would #^{:static true}
and ^:static
mean the same? Where is this documented?
When kotka said to annotate the method declaration, he "obviosly" meant the entire vector holding the declaration:
:methods [^:static [staticMethod [String String] String] ]
This kind of laconic wording is unfortunately typical of Clojure documentation.