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JIRA JQL: Issues resolved in the current sprint

I would like to be able to filter for issues that are have been resolved in the current sprint. Generally this would be used to prevent issues resolved in a previous sprint but delayed in testing (not reopened) showing up when we are discussing what developers achieved this sprint.

Closed issues should also appear, but they are not a problem, as if they were closed last sprint, they wouldn't roll over into this one anyway.

In mock-JQL, it would go something like this:

project = "Project name" AND status in (resolved, closed) AND statusChanged() > startOfWeek() 

I have seen startofweek() and friends, but not something like startofsprint().

We have JIRA OnDemand, so we can't install local Java add-ons.

Any way to get this information?


  • One way to create queries on issues that are resolved in latest sprint, is to create a filter for them. Then you could reuse that filter in different JQLs that all need to work on subsets of that master filter. Warning This way is little labor intensive -- nevertheless it beats other alternatives, in case you are working with multiple filters.

    1. Create and save filter for "Closed in latest sprint" issues

      status changed to (Resolved, Closed) after 2014-09-15
    2. In other JQL-s reuse that filter

      // First JQL reusing filter
      project = "My Project" and status in (Resolved, Closed) and filter = "Closed in latest sprint"
      // another JQL reusing filter
      project = "Other Project" and assignee = currentUser() and filter = "Closed in latest sprint"
    3. whenever you start new sprint, remember to update date in "Closed in latest sprint" filter

    Indeed, as said previously, this is somewhat manual and time consuming way. But if you are in OnDemand and therefore cannot add your own JQL function that would return start date of latest sprint in defined rapidboard, then you are pretty much out of luck.