I have been trying to plot parallel coordinates with two axes. One being the IP addresses and other the number of requests sent by an IP address in a single day, using D3.js.
I used the direct implementation from http://syntagmatic.github.io/parallel-coordinates/.
When the number of discrete IP addresses increases above 1000, the IP address axis stops showing up.
Just to test, I tried integer values instead of IP addresses, with even more than 10,000 unique values it worked fine.
I also tried string with only one '.' in them instead of 4 which are in IP addresses, and it worked fine.
But for IP addresses it doesn't.
Any specific this I might be looking into ?
Ok, so the author or parallel corrdinates library answered himself at the google groups :
It's creating an ordinal dimension, but then hiding the axis because there are more than 60.
Still wondering, why an upper limit though ?