I'm trying to implement this code. Rent is a subclass of Transaction.
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class TransactionList<Transaction> extends LinkedList { //TransactionList: warning: The type parameter Transaction is hiding the type Transaction
public TransactionList<Rent> getRentTransactions(){
TransactionList<Rent> rentList = new TransactionList<Rent>();
for(Transaction t : this){ //this: error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to Transaction
if(t instanceof Rent){
t = (Rent) t; //this: warning: Type mismatch: cannot convert from Rent to Transaction
rentList.add((Rent) t);// whole statement: warning: Type safety: The method add(Object) belongs to the raw type LinkedList. References to generic type LinkedList<E> should be parameterized
return rentList;
I'm really lost with this, I'm absolutely sure this code is type safe as any given TransactionList will always contain Transaction or a subclass of Transaction.
However if I change the for statement to
for(Object t : this)
it will compile. However all Objects held by the returned TransactionList will be of the type Object, and unable to be casted to Rent Objects.
You more than likely meant
public class TransactionList extends LinkedList<Transaction> {
What you had
public class TransactionList<Transaction> extends LinkedList {
declares a new type variable named Transaction
. So it's equivalent to
public class TransactionList<T> extends LinkedList {
and the parent class declaration is raw. Read this to understand when and when not to use raw types. In this case, the type parameter that you've named Transaction
is hiding a concrete type also named Transaction
You can't do this
for(Transaction t : this)
because this
is an Iterable
through inheritance (extends LinkedList
), but since it's a raw type, the type is erased to Object
. An Object
is not assignment compatible with the type parameter Transaction