I have this functionality:
public class Repository : IRepository
public List<TEntity> GetOrdered<TEntity, TSortKey>(Func<TEntity, TSortKey> orderBy, int take, params string[] includePaths) where TEntity : AbstractEntity
var query = (from ent in this.Context.Set<TEntity>() select ent).IncludePaths(includePaths);
return query.OrderBy(orderBy).Take(take).ToList();
To invoke it:
List<Project> p = repository.GetOrdered<Project, string>(x => x.Name, 10);
I want to eliminate the need to give it the second generic parameter when invoking, it's a deal breaker from an API perspective.
How to do it?
Either the compiler can infer all type parameters, or you have to specify them all. But you may explicitly specify the argument type of the lambda expression, such as:
List<Project> p = repository.GetOrdered((Project x) => x.Name, 10);