I'm writing an SQL compiler in bison and having trouble interpreting the state machine bison's producing. Below are the two states which are each causing 1 reduce/reduce
I'm guessing the not_qm
is causing these reduce/recude
's in like_cond
and in_cond
(see code below).
I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Please let me know if there's more info needed.
like_cond : scalar_exp not_qm LIKE scalar_exp escape_scalar_exp_qm
in_cond : row_constructor not_qm IN LPAREN table_exp RPAREN
| scalar_exp not_qm IN LPAREN scalar_exp_list RPAREN
not_qm : /* empty */
row_constructor : scalar_exp
| LPAREN scalar_exp_list RPAREN
scalar_exp : un_op_qm scalar_primary
| scalar_exp bin_op scalar_primary
State 193
35 like_cond: scalar_exp . not_qm LIKE scalar_exp escape_scalar_exp_qm
37 in_cond: scalar_exp . not_qm IN LPAREN scalar_exp_list RPAREN
75 row_constructor: scalar_exp .
78 scalar_exp: scalar_exp . bin_op scalar_primary
STAR shift, and go to state 59
NOT shift, and go to state 218
PLUS shift, and go to state 60
MINUS shift, and go to state 61
DIV shift, and go to state 62
CONCAT shift, and go to state 63
NOT [reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)]
LIKE reduce using rule 148 (not_qm)
IN reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)
IN [reduce using rule 148 (not_qm)]
$default reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)
bin_op go to state 64
not_qm go to state 228
State 211
35 like_cond: scalar_exp . not_qm LIKE scalar_exp escape_scalar_exp_qm
37 in_cond: scalar_exp . not_qm IN LPAREN scalar_exp_list RPAREN
75 row_constructor: scalar_exp .
78 scalar_exp: scalar_exp . bin_op scalar_primary
123 scalar_exp_list: scalar_exp . scalar_exp_list_star
STAR shift, and go to state 59
NOT shift, and go to state 218
PLUS shift, and go to state 60
MINUS shift, and go to state 61
DIV shift, and go to state 62
CONCAT shift, and go to state 63
COMMA shift, and go to state 109
RPAREN reduce using rule 124 (scalar_exp_list_star)
NOT [reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)]
LIKE reduce using rule 148 (not_qm)
IN reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)
IN [reduce using rule 148 (not_qm)]
$default reduce using rule 75 (row_constructor)
bin_op go to state 64
scalar_exp_list_star go to state 110
not_qm go to state 228
The problem is with these 3 rules:
1)row_constructor not_qm IN LPAREN table_exp RPAREN
2)scalar_exp not_qm IN LPAREN scalar_exp_list RPAREN
3)row_constructor : scalar_exp
Look what happens if the last element on the stack is scalar_exp
and the next token is IN
it can either reduce an empty string to not_qm
so that the stack becomes scalar_exp, not_qm
or it can reduce scalar_exp
to row_constructor
. It happens because bison generates a LALR(1) parser, so it takes a decision based only on the top element of the stack and the next token. That's why it cannot distinguish between 1)
and 2)
rules at this point, eventhough they are different. So you need to change your grammar in such a way that it becomes LALR(1)-parsable.