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Retracing a simulated-annealing's optimization steps

I'm using simulated annealing to help solve a problem such as the travelling salesman problem. I get a solution, which I'm happy with, but I would now like to know the path, within the solution space (that is, the steps taken by the algorithm to reach the solution), the algorithm took to go from a random, far from optimal itinerary, to pretty optimal one.

In other words, in the case of the traveling salesman problem:

  • Start with a random itinerary between cities
  • Step 1: path between city A-C and E-F were swapped
  • Step 2: path between city G-U and S-Q were swapped
  • ...
  • End up with a pretty optimal itinerary between cities

Is there a way, using simulated annealing, to save each steps of the optimization process so that I can retrace, one by one, each change made to the system which eventually led to that particular solution? Or this goes against how a simulated annealing works?

Here is a great simulated annealing algorithm, by @perrygeo, very slightly modified from using the travelling salesman example: (All my changes are followed by a one-line comment preceded by """)

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import copy
import math
import sys
import time
import random

def round_figures(x, n):
    """Returns x rounded to n significant figures."""
    return round(x, int(n - math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x)))))

def time_string(seconds):
    """Returns time in seconds as a string formatted HHHH:MM:SS."""
    s = int(round(seconds))  # round to nearest second
    h, s = divmod(s, 3600)   # get hours and remainder
    m, s = divmod(s, 60)     # split remainder into minutes and seconds
    return '%4i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s)

class Annealer(object):

    """Performs simulated annealing by calling functions to calculate
    energy and make moves on a state.  The temperature schedule for
    annealing may be provided manually or estimated automatically.

    Tmax = 25000.0
    Tmin = 2.5
    steps = 50000
    updates = 100
    copy_strategy = 'deepcopy'

    def __init__(self, initial_state):
        self.initial_state = initial_state
        self.state = self.copy_state(initial_state)

    def set_schedule(self, schedule):
        """Takes the output from `auto` and sets the attributes
        self.Tmax = schedule['tmax']
        self.Tmin = schedule['tmin']
        self.steps = int(schedule['steps'])

    def copy_state(self, state):
        """Returns an exact copy of the provided state
        Implemented according to self.copy_strategy, one of

        * deepcopy : use copy.deepcopy (slow but reliable)
        * slice: use list slices (faster but only works if state is list-like)
        * method: use the state's copy() method
        if self.copy_strategy == 'deepcopy':
            return copy.deepcopy(state)
        elif self.copy_strategy == 'slice':
            return state[:]
        elif self.copy_strategy == 'method':
            return state.copy()

    def update(self, step, T, E, acceptance, improvement):
        """Prints the current temperature, energy, acceptance rate,
        improvement rate, elapsed time, and remaining time.

        The acceptance rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last
        update that were accepted by the Metropolis algorithm.  It includes
        moves that decreased the energy, moves that left the energy
        unchanged, and moves that increased the energy yet were reached by
        thermal excitation.

        The improvement rate indicates the percentage of moves since the
        last update that strictly decreased the energy.  At high
        temperatures it will include both moves that improved the overall
        state and moves that simply undid previously accepted moves that
        increased the energy by thermal excititation.  At low temperatures
        it will tend toward zero as the moves that can decrease the energy
        are exhausted and moves that would increase the energy are no longer
        thermally accessible."""

        elapsed = time.time() - self.start
        if step == 0:
            print(' Temperature        Energy    Accept   Improve     Elapsed   Remaining')
            print('%12.2f  %12.2f                      %s            ' % \
                (T, E, time_string(elapsed)))
            remain = (self.steps - step) * (elapsed / step)
            print('%12.2f  %12.2f  %7.2f%%  %7.2f%%  %s  %s' % \
                (T, E, 100.0 * acceptance, 100.0 * improvement,
                    time_string(elapsed), time_string(remain)))

    def anneal(self):
        """Minimizes the energy of a system by simulated annealing.

        state : an initial arrangement of the system

        (state, energy): the best state and energy found.
        step = 0
        self.start = time.time()

        steps = [] ### initialise a list to save the steps taken by the algorithm to find a good solution

        # Precompute factor for exponential cooling from Tmax to Tmin
        if self.Tmin <= 0.0:
            raise Exception('Exponential cooling requires a minimum "\
                "temperature greater than zero.')
        Tfactor = -math.log(self.Tmax / self.Tmin)

        # Note initial state
        T = self.Tmax
        E =
        prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
        prevEnergy = E
        bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
        bestEnergy = E
        trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
        if self.updates > 0:
            updateWavelength = self.steps / self.updates
            self.update(step, T, E, None, None)

        # Attempt moves to new states
        while step < self.steps:
            step += 1
            T = self.Tmax * math.exp(Tfactor * step / self.steps)
            a,b = self.move()
            E =
            dE = E - prevEnergy
            trials += 1
            if dE > 0.0 and math.exp(-dE / T) < random.random():
                # Restore previous state
                self.state = self.copy_state(prevState)
                E = prevEnergy
                # Accept new state and compare to best state
                accepts += 1
                if dE < 0.0:
                    improves += 1
                prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
                prevEnergy = E

                steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps

                if E < bestEnergy:
                    bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
                    bestEnergy = E
            if self.updates > 1:
                if step // updateWavelength > (step - 1) // updateWavelength:
                        step, T, E, accepts / trials, improves / trials)
                    trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0

        # Return best state and energy
        return bestState, bestEnergy, steps ### added steps to what should be returned

def distance(a, b):
    """Calculates distance between two latitude-longitude coordinates."""
    R = 3963  # radius of Earth (miles)
    lat1, lon1 = math.radians(a[0]), math.radians(a[1])
    lat2, lon2 = math.radians(b[0]), math.radians(b[1])
    return math.acos(math.sin(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) +
                     math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(lon1 - lon2)) * R

class TravellingSalesmanProblem(Annealer):

    """Test annealer with a travelling salesman problem.

    # pass extra data (the distance matrix) into the constructor
    def __init__(self, state, distance_matrix):
        self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix
        super(TravellingSalesmanProblem, self).__init__(state)  # important! 

    def move(self):
        """Swaps two cities in the route."""
        a = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
        b = random.randint(0, len(self.state) - 1)
        self.state[a], self.state[b] = self.state[b], self.state[a]
        return a,b ### return the change made

    def energy(self):
        """Calculates the length of the route."""
        e = 0
        for i in range(len(self.state)):
            e += self.distance_matrix[self.state[i-1]][self.state[i]]
        return e

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # latitude and longitude for the twenty largest U.S. cities
    cities = {
        'New York City': (40.72, 74.00),
        'Los Angeles': (34.05, 118.25),
        'Chicago': (41.88, 87.63),
        'Houston': (29.77, 95.38),
        'Phoenix': (33.45, 112.07),
        'Philadelphia': (39.95, 75.17),
        'San Antonio': (29.53, 98.47),
        'Dallas': (32.78, 96.80),
        'San Diego': (32.78, 117.15),
        'San Jose': (37.30, 121.87),
        'Detroit': (42.33, 83.05),
        'San Francisco': (37.78, 122.42),
        'Jacksonville': (30.32, 81.70),
        'Indianapolis': (39.78, 86.15),
        'Austin': (30.27, 97.77),
        'Columbus': (39.98, 82.98),
        'Fort Worth': (32.75, 97.33),
        'Charlotte': (35.23, 80.85),
        'Memphis': (35.12, 89.97),
        'Baltimore': (39.28, 76.62)

    # initial state, a randomly-ordered itinerary
    init_state = list(cities.keys())
    reconstructed_state = init_state

    # create a distance matrix
    distance_matrix = {}
    for ka, va in cities.items():
        distance_matrix[ka] = {}
        for kb, vb in cities.items():
            if kb == ka:
                distance_matrix[ka][kb] = 0.0
                distance_matrix[ka][kb] = distance(va, vb)

    tsp = TravellingSalesmanProblem(init_state, distance_matrix)
    # since our state is just a list, slice is the fastest way to copy
    tsp.copy_strategy = "slice"  
    state, e, steps = tsp.anneal()

    while state[0] != 'New York City':
        state = state[1:] + state[:1]  # rotate NYC to start
    for city in state:
        print("\t", city)

    ### recontructed the annealing process
    print("nbr. of steps:",len(steps))
    print("Reconstructed results:")
    for s in steps:
        reconstructed_state[s[0]], reconstructed_state[s[1]] = reconstructed_state[s[1]], reconstructed_state[s[0]]
    while reconstructed_state[0] != 'New York City':
        reconstructed_state = reconstructed_state[1:] + reconstructed_state[:1]  # rotate NYC to start
    for city in reconstructed_state:
        print("\t", city)

Saving every time a move is made builds a huge list of steps that are indeed retraceable. However it obviously mimics how the algorithm explores and jumps around many different positions in the solution space, especially at high temperatures.

To get more straightly converging steps, I could move step-saving line:

steps.append([a,b]) ### append the "good move" to the list of steps


if E < bestEnergy:

Where only the steps actually improving upon the best found solution so far are saved. However, the final list of steps does not help reconstruct the itinerary anymore (steps are missing).

Is this problem hopeless and inherent to how simulated annealing works, or is there hope to being able to construct a converging step-list from random to quasi-optimal?


  • Ultimately the move itself is not important except in the context of rest of the system state. Instead of trying to track the move or change in state that resulted in each low energy solution (which, as you point out, loses all the information about previous moves that were accepted), you could just track the state itself every time you encountered a new lowest score:

    if E < bestEnergy: