in dirA/SConscript I have:
probeenv = env.Clone()
probeenv['CXXFLAGS'] += ['-fno-rtti','-Wnon-virtual-dtor']
... stuff that uses probeenv
in dirB/SConscript I have
sipenv = env.Clone()
... stuff that uses sipenv
Now, c++ files in dirB that gets compiled, gets the CXXFLAGS from dirA - how come ?
This does not happen with CCFLAGS. Nor does it happen if I use probeenv['CXXFLAGS'] = ['-fno-rtti','-Wnon-virtual-dtor']
in dirA
This seems to be a scons bug if CXXFLAGS is not set in "main" SConstruct. The workaround is to simply set it to an empty list there.
env['CXXFLAGS'] = []