I'm working on fixing a bug with a previously existing application using:
The application leverages this library for translation
Are you familiar with this error when trying to post a property of an entity bean to a JSF view?
ERROR [facelets.viewhandler] (http-...) Error Rendering View[/public/answer.xhtml]
java.io.NotSerializableException: eu.jakubiak.jpa.translator.Translator$TranslatorProxyMethodInterceptor
I my code had this
<c:forEach var="_d" items="#{indicatorValuesDimension}">
<s:div styleClass="answer-dimension">#{_d.key.name}</s:div>
Where the indicatorValuesDimension is a java.util.Map, the key is an @Translatable entity bean and name is an @Translate String property.
But if I do this instead it runs just fine...
<c:forEach var="_d" items="#{indicatorValuesDimension}">
So the same expression runs fine outside any JSF tag but throws NotSerializableException when used inside a JSF tag.
Has anyone come across this before? Any pointers?
Solved by switching to
in my web.xml. Using
was causing the problem because many classes in the library (BeanReflector?, TranslatorProxyMethodInterceptor?, etc) do not implement java.io.Serializable.