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facelets.viewhandler Error Rendering View NotSerializableException: eu.jakubiak.jpa.translator.Translator$TranslatorProxyMethodInterceptor

I'm working on fixing a bug with a previously existing application using:

  • Java 6
  • JBoss 4.2.3 GA
  • JBoss Seam 2.2.0 GA
  • JSF2

The application leverages this library for translation

Are you familiar with this error when trying to post a property of an entity bean to a JSF view?

ERROR [facelets.viewhandler] (http-...) Error Rendering View[/public/answer.xhtml] eu.jakubiak.jpa.translator.Translator$TranslatorProxyMethodInterceptor

I my code had this

<c:forEach var="_d" items="#{indicatorValuesDimension}">
<s:div styleClass="answer-dimension">#{}</s:div>

Where the indicatorValuesDimension is a java.util.Map, the key is an @Translatable entity bean and name is an @Translate String property.

But if I do this instead it runs just fine...

 <c:forEach var="_d" items="#{indicatorValuesDimension}">

So the same expression runs fine outside any JSF tag but throws NotSerializableException when used inside a JSF tag.

Has anyone come across this before? Any pointers?


  • Solved by switching to


    in my web.xml. Using


    was causing the problem because many classes in the library (BeanReflector?, TranslatorProxyMethodInterceptor?, etc) do not implement