How can I store a list of strings in an array in c. cause usually the a string e.g:'string' is stored as s|t|r|i|g in array(?). now if i have an array that has 10 index and want to store string in each one of those indexes, how do i do it? if not doable, what other data structure can i use for it.
e.g: array = 'string1'|'string2'|..
i have done something, but its not working:
// Array for name of alphabets, and name of states
35 char *nameOfStates[numStates];
36 char buffer[3];
38 // Read the nameOfStates
39 int i;
40 for(i=0;i<numStates;i++){
41 printf("Name of STATES:");
43 int z=0;
44 char *buffer2;
45 while(z<2 && fgets(buffer,2,stdin) != NULL){
47 buffer2 = strndup(buffer,2);
48 z++;
49 }// End while-loop
50 nameOfStates[i] = buffer2;
52 }// End of for-loop to read nameOfStates
EDIT: I realized that array[size] doesn't actually work! I did it cause of my java backgroun d and i thought it might work. so i changed the program but it still is throwing segmentation fault. I post the full(edited) program below:
// Function declaration
void analyze(char *string);
void clearNewLines(void);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// Number of states and number of alphabets of DFA
int numStates;
int numAlphabets;
// Read numStates
printf("Enter the number of STATES:");
// Flush STDIN
// Array for name of alphabets, and name of states
char **nameOfStates = malloc(numStates*sizeof(char*));
char *buffer = NULL;
// Read the nameOfStates
int i;
printf("Name of STATES:");
}// End of for-loop to read nameOfStates
// Read numAlphabets
printf("Enter the number of ALPHABETS: ");
scanf("%d", &numAlphabets);
// Flush STDIN
// Array for name of alphabets, and name of states
char nameOfAlphabets[numAlphabets];
// Saving transition table
char *transitionTable[numStates][numAlphabets];
// Read name of alphabets
int j;
printf("Name of ALPHABETS:");
nameOfAlphabets[j] = getchar();
// Flush STDIN
}// End for-loop to read alphabets
// Get the transitionTable[states][alphabets]
int row;
int col;
printf("Enter Transition From %s to %c: ",nameOfStates[row],nameOfAlphabets[col]);
return 0;
}// End of main function
* clearNewLines - clear any newline character present at the STDIN
void clearNewLines(void)
int c;
c = getchar();
} while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);
An array of arrays is the way to go.
// Array of size 5 (Don't forget to free!)
char **arrayOfStrings = malloc(5*sizeof(char*));
char *aString = "Hi";
arrayOfStrings[0] = aString;
//Literals work too
arrayOfStrings[1] = "Hallo";
aString = "Ahoy";
arrayOfStrings[2] = aString;
ArrayOfStrings values at end: Hi | Hallo | Ahoy | | |