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storing string and characters in two dimensional array (C)

I am trying to write a program to simulate a DFA. what I need to do is to take a number of input from the user and save it in two independent arrays(use it as row and columns), and then create a third array(2d) that acts as a table of values for the first two arrays.

e.g: array2 = {a, b} array1 ={q1,q2,q3} array[array1][array2] = (TABLE BELOW)

  a   b 


q1| v1 v2

q2| v3 v4

q3| v5 v6


1) I can't save the strings q1,q2,q3... in array

2) the second array values somehow overwrite the first array values,(maybe because i am using the same variable as their counter? if i change the counter variable for the second loop, it gives segmentation fault

It would be great if someone could point out which part I am doing wrong.

EDIT: the segmentation problem was solved, thanks to answers by coolguy and jayesh. I still have one problem, its that the array1 doesn't return a string, it returns only character, if i enter q1 it returns q only.


// Function declaration
void clearNewLines(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

    // Number of states and number of alphabets of DFA
    int numStates;
    int numAlphabets;

    // Array for name of alphabets, and name of states
    char nameOfAlphabets[numAlphabets]; 
    char nameOfStates[numStates];

    // Saving transition table
    char *transitionTable[numStates][numAlphabets];

    // Read numStates 
    printf("Enter the number of STATES:");

    // Flush STDIN

    // Read the nameOfStates 
    int i;
        printf("Name of STATES:");
        fgets(&nameOfStates[i], 100,stdin);
    }// End of for-loop to read nameOfStates

    // Read numAlphabets
    printf("Enter the number of ALPHABETS: ");
    scanf("%d", &numAlphabets);

    // Flush STDIN

    // Read name of alphabets


        printf("Name of ALPHABETS:");
        nameOfAlphabets[i] = getchar();

        // Flush STDIN 

    }// End for-loop to read alphabets

    // Get the transitionTable[states][alphabets] 
    int row;

        int col;

            printf("Enter Transition From %c to %c: ",nameOfStates[row],nameOfAlphabets[col]);


    return 0;
}// End of main function

*   clearNewLines - clear any newline character present at the STDIN
void clearNewLines(void)
    int c;
        c = getchar();
    } while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);


  •  int numStates;
     int numAlphabets;
     char nameOfAlphabets[numAlphabets];
     char nameOfStates[numStates];  

    Here,you are making arrays of uninitialised ints which cause the segmentation fault. Move the array initializations after the respective scanfs so that the two ints get initialized before making the array.

    char *transitionTable[numStates] [numAlphabets];

    Move the above line after the two scanfs.