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RadEditor keeps removing <!doctype> tag when switching from HTML to Design, how do I stop this

I am using RadEditor in my project, however when I insert on the top of HTML editing area and then switch the view to Design and go back. The tag is removed. I want to stop the RadEditor doing this without modifying too much of existing filters.

You can try this out in the following link


  • The issue is that you use the DIV mode and not the iFrame mode. If you want to use the DIV mode the issue is that there is already a doctype, head, footer, etc in that page. Which can not exists twice in a page and the browser will remove it from your page.

    You can use eather the iFrame mode or the solution below.

    The solution I use is to replace that tag by a custom tag of mine which I replace when I go from design mode to edit mode and when I save it to the database I also replace my custom tags to the normal tags. For example:

    The code below is an example I use in my project (does not contain the doctype yet):

    // Add the custom filter to the editor
    function OnClientLoad(editor, args) {
        editor.get_filtersManager().add(new MyFilter());
    // Replace the tags HTML does not expect twice
    var tags = ["html", "body", "head", "title", "form", "textarea"];
    MyFilter = function () {
        this.set_name("RadEditor filter");
        this.set_description("RadEditor filter description");
    MyFilter.prototype =
        getHtmlContent: function (content) {
            var newContent = content;
            for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                var tag = tags[i];
                newContent = newContent.replace(new RegExp("<j" + tag, "gi"), "<" + tag);
                newContent = newContent.replace(new RegExp("<" + "/j" + tag + "", "gi"), "<" + "/" + tag + "");
            return newContent;
        getDesignContent: function (content) {
            var newContent = content;
            for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
                var tag = tags[i];
                newContent = newContent.replace(new RegExp("<" + tag, "gi"), "<j" + tag);
                newContent = newContent.replace(new RegExp("<" + "/" + tag + "", "gi"), "<" + "/j" + tag + "");
            return newContent;
    MyFilter.registerClass('MyFilter', Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Filter);

    And get the HTML from the editor also replace the new tag:

    function GetEditorHtmlCall() {
        var html = $find("RadEditor1").get_html(true);
        for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
            var tag = tags[i];
            html = html.replace(new RegExp("<" + tag, "gi"), "<j" + tag);
            html = html.replace(new RegExp("<" + "/" + tag + "", "gi"), "<" + "/j" + tag + "");
        return html;

    The code above will replace the example below. In design mode you have a jhtml tag and in html mode you have your html tag. When you save it you convert the jhtml tag back to html so it's nice in the database:

    <html></html> to <jhtml></jhtml>

    Hope this gives you the solution you are looking for.