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Populate multiple dropdownlists from sql and previous selected value

I have code in php to query database and populate records in a dropdown list which a user will pick. I also have javascript which populates the second dropdown list based on the selection of the first box.

How do I tie these two together so user selects value "x" from dropdown list, and the php will query the database "WHERE.... = SselectedValue"

Are there any examples online? I can't seem to find any.


  • Write an ajax/phpquery call to second dropdown on change method of first dropdown. Eg-

       var val=$(this).val();
       //php will query the database "WHERE.... = val"
      //on success of data received from query, populate second dropdown

    Ajax code is supposed to look something like this-

          data: val
          //populate 2nd dropdown with result
          alert("No data received");

    Link for brief info on jquery ajax ---