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Boost IPC Message_Queue try_receive throws interprocess_exception::library_error

I am making interprocess communication between two of my processes with boost::interprocess::message_queue.

This is the first time I'm using it so this exception isn't clear to me because I cannot find any documentation on it.

I have my classes setup as following:

struct Pos{float X,Y,Z;};
struct Quat{float W,X,Y,Z;};
typedef unsigned char Byte;
struct NPCDataFoot
    //some Pos and Quat variables here too
    unsigned short AnimationIndex;
    void Apply(NPCDataFoot &data){AnimationIndex=data.AnimationIndex;}
struct NPCDataVehicle
    //many many more
    unsigned short lrAnalog;
    void Apply(NPCDataVehicle &data){lrAnalog=data.lrAnalog;}
    NPCDataVehicle(){lrAnalog = 0;}
enum TransmissionDataType{
    TDT_NewNPC,//many more...
const unsigned short QueueMaxSize = 256;
struct ExchangeData
    unsigned short  CommandType;
    unsigned short  NPCPlayerID;
    Byte            State;
    NPCDataFoot     OnFootData;
    NPCDataVehicle  InCarData;
    float MoveSpeed;
    Pos MoveToPos;
    ExchangeData(unsigned short CommandType = 0, unsigned short NPCPlayerid = 0xFFFF)
        : CommandType(CommandType), NPCPlayerID(NPCPlayerid)
    ExchangeData(unsigned short CommandType, unsigned short NPCPlayerid, NPCDataFoot& foot_data, NPCDataVehicle& car_data)
        : CommandType(CommandType), NPCPlayerID(NPCPlayerid), OnFootData(foot_data), InCarData(car_data)

both my programs are set to compile with the /zp1 flag (Align structures/classes to 1-byte alignment).

now whenever I reach this code:

ServerMsgQueue * message_queue = NULL;
    static bool init = false;
    static ExchangeData DataTransmision;
            ServerMsgQueue = new message_queue(open_or_create              
                    ,1024 * QueueMaxSize,sizeof(ExchangeData)); 
        catch(interprocess_exception &ex)
            std::cout << ex.what() << ":" << __FILE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;
        init = true;
    static unsigned int unused;
                {//some cases
                default:{std::cout << "UNKNOWN RECEIVED DATA!!!" << std::endl;break;}
        catch(interprocess_exception &ex)
            //this happens always
            std::cout << ex.what() << ":" << __FILE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << std::endl;

The application keeps issuing "boost::interprocess_exception::library_error" in the block where try_receive is being used.

What am I doing wrong in this case? I'm sure the data send is the same size because 1) i use the same header and 2) I compile with the same options.

I have confirmed that the variable sizes are the same with the following code in both programs:

,"Reported sizes Client",0);

Edit: I seem have "solved" it.. magicly;

It seems that this code was the error:

static unsigned int unused;

changed it to

unsigned int Priority;
size_t sizexxx;

Can someone explain why this works and the other code not?


  • See the source code for message_queue::do_receive (called from message_queue::try_receive); do_receive first writes the message size to the "out" parameter recvd_size (a reference to unused in your code), then writes the priority to the "out" parameter priority (also a reference to unused in your code -- thus effectively overwriting recvd_size with the priority value). Immediately below, the call to memcpy uses the now incorrect recvd_size, leading to the behaviour you observed (incomplete copy or buffer overrun, depending on priority).

    Arguably, the author of the library should have used the original top_msg->len (instead of the "out" parameter recvd_size) for the memcpy bytecount. However, in order to avoid these kinds of surprises, always use distinct variables for "out" parameters (call them unused1 and unused2 if you so desire).