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CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name: someimage@2x~ipad.png scale factor: 2 device idiom: 1 device subtype: 568

I created app that perfectly worked on xcode 5. But when i run it on xcode 6 with iphone 6 simulator, it's giving me an error:

CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name: someImage@2x~ipad.png scale factor: 2 device idiom: 1 device subtype: 568


  • I know this probably isn't the answer you want, but I had the exact same problem, and simply renaming the image fixed the problem.

    In other words, I copied the original file that wouldn't load to another file in the same directory, with a different name.

    I then added this new file to the Xcode project and removed the first one.

    I changed the code to reflect the new image name:

       // Asset Catalog problem loading this:
       //  [imgBackground setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"]];
       [imgBackground setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Home_BG-568h"]];

    I slightly changed the previous developer's naming convention, to go with [email protected].

    Hope this helps someone.