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Selecting the content within <option></option> tags

Writing tests using cucumber and SitePrism, I have the following HTML on the page...

<select name="product_status_id" id="product-status" class="pull-right">
   <option value="">Select a Status</option>
   <option value="1">Active Product</option>
   <option value="2">Inactive Product</option>

Currently, the element selector I have set for this dropdown is...

 element :status_active, '#product-status'

I first set the 1st value in my test to "Active Product"...

And(/^I select the status of Active$/) do"Active Product")

And then verify the value saved is the status of "Active Product"

And(/^the product values entered should match those which were saved$/) do
   @page.product.status_active.value.should == "1"

However, if these values were to be switched around, with "Active Product" as value="2" and "Inactive Product" as value="1", the test would not longer be verifying that the field is set to the "Active Product" value.

Is there an instance that I can write that checks for the contents between the option tags?

<option>want to select content here</option> 

When I write the following...

@page.product.status_active.text.should == “Active Product”

The following is returned...

"Select a Status Active Product Inactive Product”

So the .text method doesn't seem to be an adequate solution here.

What can be written to select the content between the option tags?


  • When an option is selected, it should have a selected attribute like this: <option value="1" selected>Active Product</option> which you can use as a selector.

    So you could find the selected option like this: @page.product.status_active.find('option[selected]')

    So to verify the text of the selected option, you would do: @page.product.status_active.find('option[selected]').text.should == “Active Product”

    On a related note, I have actually found myself doing this so frequently, I added the following to my test suite: class Capybara::Node::Element def selected_option self.find('option[selected]') end end

    This adds a selected_option to capybara elements. With that, you could just do this @page.product.status_active.selected_option.text.should == “Active Product”