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Are there any differences to C# between North America, Asia, Europe?

I just took online (non-course related) test on C# and this question came up to me:

Are there any difference to the C# language based on country/region?


  • Well the DateTime typesetting will be different depending on the culture. For instance in the U.S., it will read, the same goes with currencies, dialogs (the YesNo buttons will be different, etc.):

    10/15/2014 8:16:08 PM

    Whereas in France it will read:

    15/10/2014 20:17:08

    Example (with the csharp interactive shell):

    Mono C# Shell, type "help;" for help
    Enter statements below.
    csharp> using System.Threading;
    csharp> using System.Globalization;
    csharp> Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); 
    10/15/2014 8:18:12 PM
    csharp> Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
    csharp> Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now);                                
    15/10/2014 20:18:46

    In short all settings that depend on a country/culture/natural language will be set locally (as @joppiesaus mentions, Europeans use a comma where Americans use the "decimal dot"). But the compiler is uniform.

    Note however this has nothing to do with C# itself. After all C# is a standardized language with a deterministic virtual machine. But the "environment" in which it runs, can set default values differently.

    Finally, as @philippelhardy indicates, there are some patents that can cause problems. For instance Mono is a clone of C#. While Microsoft Silverlight can play DRM protected media files, Mono's Moonlight can't, because Microsoft didn't license their PlayReader. See here for more information.