I have the following class that extends QListWidget
, but I can't seem to connect the doubleClicked
signal to the slot I desire. Here's the code implemented - in VS2012. The idea is to be able to double click a item and edit it. I connect the signal to the slot in the constructor, but the slot is never called when I run it through the debugger.
# .h file
class DisplayFeed :
public QListWidget
DisplayFeed(QWidget *parent, Logic *logic, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, std::string color);
void setColor(std::string color);
void refresh(std::vector<Event*> *thingsToInclude);
Logic* logic;
private slots:
void editItem(QEventStore *item);
Below is the .cpp file. QEventStore
extends QListWidgetItem
. I placed the MessageBox to test the system as well, in case it was my other code that didn't work.
# .cpp file, only relevant methods included
DisplayFeed::DisplayFeed(QWidget *parent, Logic *logic, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height, std::string color)
: QListWidget(parent)
this->logic = logic;
setGeometry(xpos, ypos, width, height);
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QEventStore*)), this, SLOT(editItem(QEventStore*)));
void DisplayFeed::editItem(QEventStore *item){
QMessageBox::information(this,"Hello!","You clicked \""+item->text()+"\"");
QEventEditor *editor = new QEventEditor(item->getEvent());
I have found the answer. The problem is that the default signal for itemDoubleClicked
emits the QListWidgetItem*
and emitting a subclass of that doesn't work. So what I had to do was to go to editItem
and get it to dynamic_cast the QListWidgetItem*
to a QEventStore*