Why am i getting the array bound of exception? im beginner in programming. Please help me understand. I have tried to convert the string to char array and reverse the characters and convert the end result back to string and compare with the original string
/* to check if the entered string is palinrome or not*/
class Palin
public static void main(String[] args)
String name="anna";
int l=name.length();
int d=l/2;
char tmp;
char tmp1;
char[] arr = name.toCharArray();
for(int j=0;j<d;j++) /*to swap the characters*/
String str=String.valueOf(arr); /* to convert the swapped char array back to string*/
if (str==name)
An array of N
entries can be accessed with an index between 0
and N-1
Change this:
tmp1 = arr[l];
To this:
tmp1 = arr[l-j-1];
And get rid of this:
l = l-1;
By the way, swapping can be done in 3 assignment operations instead of 4.
So you might as well change this:
tmp = arr[j];
tmp1 = arr[l];
arr[j] = tmp1;
arr[l] = tmp;
l = l-1;
To this:
tmp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[l-j-1];
arr[l-j-1] = tmp;