There is some C++ code. I would like to know why can two values be used for a single class member in initialization list (:OTMixerMgr(OTMediaType_Audio, oBridgeInfo)
)? Because usually only one value is used for a single class member, like
ClassName::ClassName(): fisrtMember(firstValue) {...}.
OTMixerMgrAudio::OTMixerMgrAudio(OTObjectWrapper<OTBridgeInfo*> oBridgeInfo)
:OTMixerMgr(OTMediaType_Audio, oBridgeInfo)
m_phPullThread[0] = NULL;
m_phPullCond = NULL;
m_nLastTimerPull = 0;
m_bStarted = false;
m_bPaused = false;
OT_ASSERT(m_phProducersMutex = tsk_mutex_create());
OT_ASSERT(m_phConsumersMutex = tsk_mutex_create());
m_oMixerAudio = OTMixerAudio::New(oBridgeInfo);
m_bValid = (m_phConsumersMutex && m_oMixerAudio);
This code is taken from Telepresence project, , line 31
That isn't a class member, it is calling a base constructor with two arguments
OTMixerMgrAudio::OTMixerMgrAudio(OTObjectWrapper<OTBridgeInfo*> oBridgeInfo)
:OTMixerMgr(OTMediaType_Audio, oBridgeInfo) // call base constructor
In fact, take a look at the header where OTMixerMgr is declared
class OTMixerMgr : public OTObject
OTMixerMgr(OTMediaType_t eMediaType, OTObjectWrapper<OTBridgeInfo*> oBridgeInfo);