I have read the Tumblr API V2 documentation and understand that I can use the /posts
method with the tag parameter to get posts from a specific blog with a specific tag, but the response I get doesn't contain any posts, just the total count.
This is true for any blog and tag combination I try. I am using javascript (not the official client) but the result is the same even when I use the Tumblr API Console or type a request directly into the browser URL.
Example request:
{"meta":{"status":200,"msg":"OK"},"response":{"blog":{"title":"The Washington Post","name":"washingtonpost","posts":2647,"url":"http:\/\/washingtonpost.tumblr.com\/","updated":1412647225,"description":"Things you should see and know, from civil rights to Senate races to sports to book reviews. Curated by Julia Carpenter.","is_nsfw":false,"ask":true,"ask_page_title":"Ask away!","ask_anon":true,"share_likes":false},"posts":[],"total_posts":7}}
The response.total_posts
count is accurate, but why is the response.posts
array empty? How could I use this response to get the actual posts?
As of today there are 7 posts on the Washington Post blog tagged "culture". There is 1 text post, 3 quote posts and 3 photo posts.
This request returns all 3 photo posts.
This is a confirmed bug in the Tumblr API. Hopefully a fix will be available shortly.