So, suppose I have a an SQL table:
create table Person(id varchar2(255) not null);
I'm trying to wrap it using Apache Olingo.
Is it possible to express this SQL query in OData??
select * from Person where id in ('a1', 'a2', 'a3', ... 'an');
My first try was to use a multiple OR
filter, like so:
http://myserver:8080/odata/Person?$filter=(id eq '0000022AC58540EA') or (id eq '00001CD8D55ED552') or (id eq ‘000027F7F21A6196')
But this gives me the following error:
<message xml:lang="en-US">
Invalid filter expression: '(id eq '0000022AC58540EA') or (id eq '00001CD8D55ED552') or (id eq ‘000027F7F21A6196')'.
This answer suggests using a combination of AND and ANY predicates to more or less achieve the same effect. Is this there another way to translate the aforementioned SQL query?
As Yi commented, the query is perfectly fine, I believe you get the error because you used the wrong single quote in your last or statement: