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Opposite of ease cubic-bezier function

I have the ease cubic-bezier function: cubic-bezier(.25,.1,.25,1) (,.1,.25,1)

I want the opposite of this. Here is graphic representation of what I'm trying to accomplish:

The graph on left is what I have, and the function for the graph on the right is what I'm trying to achieve.



  • If you want to do a rotation as in your updated answer, all we have to do is... well, that. Rotate around (0.5,0.5) by a 180 degree, or π radians, angle. Let's assume we have a curve encoded as an array c with four point objects { x:..., y... }, then we can effect this rotation as:

    c = [ {x:...,y:...}, ..., ..., ...];
    function halfUnitTurn(v) {
      // Note: it's actually 0.5 + ((v.x-0.5)*cos(pi) - (v.x-0.5)*sin(pi)),
      // (and x*sin + y*cos for the y:... part) but: cos(pi) is just -1, and
      // sin(pi) is 0, so things REALLY simplify!
      return {
        x: 0.5 - (v.x-0.5),
        y: 0.5 - (v.y-0.5)
    var rotated = { return halfUnitTurn(p); });

    And as demonstrator code: