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A-Star doesnt behave like it should

I'm quite new to pathfinding and recently got A-Star working for the first time in Java with Libgdx, but it has some flaws, it doesnt always find the fastest path , or the program simply kills itself(because it's too slow?) :/

(Input/Output here: Imgur album: White = untouched Node, green = start, red = target, blue = path, yellow = node is on closed list but unrelevant)

The rest of the code can be found on Github.

This is the code for the Algorithm itself:

Node lastNode;

Node[] neighborNodes;

int lowestF = 2000;

Node bestNode;

public void findPath() {
    for(int x = 0; x < map.worldWidth; x++) {
        for(int y = 0; y < map.worldHeight; y++) {

    lastNode = startNode;

    while(lastNode != targetNode || !openList.isEmpty()) {
        neighborNodes = map.getNeighbors(lastNode);
        for(Node node:neighborNodes) {
            if(node != null)
                if(node.state != State.BLOCKED && !closedList.contains(node)) {
                    node.parentNode = lastNode;
        lowestF = 1000;
        for(Node node:openList) {
            if(node.f <= lowestF) {
                lowestF = node.f;
                bestNode = node;
        if(openList.isEmpty() && bestNode != targetNode) {
            System.out.println("No Path possible");
        lastNode = bestNode;


public void reconstructPath() {
    Node lastNode = targetNode;
    while(lastNode != startNode) {
        lastNode = lastNode.parentNode;

And the Node Class:

public class Node {

public enum State {

public State state;
int xPos, yPos;
Color color;
Node parentNode;

int f;
int movementCost = 10;
int heuristic;

public Node(int x, int y) {
    xPos = x;
    yPos = y;

public void setState(State newState) {  
    state = newState;

public boolean isNodeClicked() {
    int inputX = Gdx.input.getX();
    int inputY = - Gdx.input.getY();
    if(inputX > xPos*32 && inputX < xPos*32+32 && 
        inputY > yPos*32 && inputY < yPos*32+32) {
        return true;

    return false;

public void calculateHeuristic(Node targetNode) {
    heuristic = (Math.abs((xPos-targetNode.xPos)) + Math.abs((yPos-targetNode.yPos))) * movementCost;
    f = movementCost+heuristic;

public int calculateHeuristic(Node finishNode, int useless) {
    return (Math.abs((xPos-finishNode.xPos)) + Math.abs((yPos-finishNode.yPos))) * movementCost;


At the moment I'm using a 2-dimensional array for the map or nodes and Arraylist for open and closed list.

It'd be much appreciated if somebody could help me get my A-star to behave and explain to me what I did wrong, I would also be very grateful for any other criticism, since I want to improve my programming :)

Thanks for your help in Advance :)


  • Your problem is here:

    public void calculateHeuristic(Node targetNode) {
        heuristic = (Math.abs((xPos-targetNode.xPos)) + Math.abs((yPos- targetNode.yPos))) * movementCost;
        f = movementCost+heuristic;

    Your calculation of your heuristic is wrong, because your calculation of your movementCost is wrong. The cost of a node is not a fixed value. It's the summation of all of the costs to move between nodes along the path to that node so far. So your node should actually have a function,

    public int calculateCost(){
        if(parentNode != null){
            return movementCost + parentNode.calculateCost();
        } else{
            return movementCost;

    And your heuristic thus becomes:

    public void calculateHeuristic(Node targetNode) {
        heuristic = (Math.abs((xPos-targetNode.xPos)) + Math.abs((yPos- targetNode.yPos))) * movementCost;
        f = calculateCost()+heuristic;

    Your other problems look like they probably all come from the various typos/logical errors I mentioned in the comments (while(...||openSet.isEmpty()) instead of while(...|| !openSet.isEmpty()), etc)