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Dynamic adapter pathForType based on auth id

Is there any way to include a user's authentication uid in a model adapter's path? For example, suppose you have a chat application, and a conversation model to represent a private message session between two users, where the data is stored something like this:

    "conversations": {
        "<userAuthUID>": {
            "convo1": {...},
            "convo2": {...},
        "<anotherUserAuthUID>": {

So, with this structure, the adapter's path would need to be conversations/<currentUserAuthUID>.

(FYI this is an ember-cli project, if that makes any difference.)


  • It seems to be working using the following:

    // adapters/conversation.js
    import Ember from 'ember';
    import ApplicationAdapter from './application';
    export default ApplicationAdapter.extend({
        pathForType: function(type) {
            //get the firebase authentication data via the `Firebase` instance
            //that i have injected into my app via an initializer
            var authData = this.container.lookup('app:firebase').getAuth();
            return  Ember.String.pluralize(type) + '/' + authData.uid;