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Dynamic view id using pretty faces navigation refuses to work

I am attempting to migrate an application from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.1. The code below worked in the 1.2. I am using PrettyFaces 3.3.3, MyFaces 2.1.

in pretty-config.xml:

<url-mapping id="seSite">
  <pattern value="/sites/#{seViewChooserBean.urlSiteType}/#{seViewChooserBean.siteId}"/>
  <view-id value="#{seViewChooserBean.getSiteViewId}"/>

<url-mapping id="seSiteProps">
  <pattern value="/sites/#{sePropsBean.urlSiteType}/#{sePropsBean.siteId}/properties"/>
  <view-id value="/pages/se/site/props.xhtml"/>

I have a request with URL: This request successfully matches the url mapping id "seSite" and getSiteViewId is invoked on seViewChooserBean and returns the result "pretty:seSiteProps". I have debugged and confirmed this. For your reference this is the bean code for

public String getSiteViewId() {

    if (siteType == SiteType.TYPE) {
        // redirect to tag list view
        initSiteBean("seTagListBean", TagListBean.class);
        return "pretty:seTagList";
    else {
        // redirect to site properties view
        initSiteBean("sePropsBean", PropertiesBean.class);
        return "pretty:seSiteProps";

After that prettyfaces then attempts to forward to the new view id seSiteProps but the new generated URL is not processed by pretty faces because (from the logs): "Request is not mapped using PrettyFaces. Continue."

So I get 404 response for URL http:://

Note that this url match to view id seSiteProps.

I have debugged this up into the pretty faces filter and discovered the following:

After the initial request for, the DynaviewEngine.processDynaView is invoked and generates the correct target url http::// and forwards via faces request.

Then, with a breakpoint in PrettyFilter.doFilter() I observed the following: In PrettyFilter.doFilter() method: isUrlMappingForward(req) returns false, therefore request is not processed by prettyfaces. Why??

// isUrlMappingForward returns false.  The request has url http::// on it.
if (!isUrlMappingForward(req))
  mapping = getConfig().getMappingForUrl(url);

Also, note that if I put the request http::// directly in the browser the page IS processed by prettyfaces and isUrlMappingForward(req) returns true and it loads correctly in the browser.

I was thinking I've missed something obvious here as the problem hasn't been reported elsewhere as far as I can tell. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Brett


  • Actually I'm very surprised that returning PrettyFaces navigation strings from dynaview methods ever worked. This isn't documented anywhere and I doubt that this has been tested in detail. So basically you are using the dynaview feature in an very weird way.

    So I recommend to return plain JSF view IDs instead which should work fine. See the documentation for details: