I just started working with the google contacts api and can´t find an example how to work with the authentification stuff.
I used the Google Contacts API version 3.0 documentation for understanding the basic workflow with the contacts API, but I have no idea how to work with the authentification tokens.
After some searching in the web I found the tutorial Google OAuth2 C# but in this tutorial they are working with the UserCredential
object. In the Google Contacts API version 3.0 documentation they used the RequestSettings
object. This object has a constructor that accepts a ApplicationName and a GDataCredentials
So I tried the following code:
GDataCrendentials credentials = new GDataCredentials(CLIENTID);
credentials.Username = "<my gmail username>";
this._requestSettings = new RequestSettings(GetApplicationName, _credentials);
The ClientId I got from the second link I posted.
So I tried to access my contacts with the code:
Feed<Google.Contacts.Contact> f = _contactsRequest.GetContacts();
IList<IContact> mappedContacts = new List<IContact>();
foreach (var contact in f.Entries)
//do some stuff with it
With this code I get an Google.GData.Client.GDataRequestException at the foreach:
{"Execution of request failed: https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full"}
Could you please give me a suggestion what is wrong here?
There is an OAuth2 sample included with the GData .NET client library:
The relevant source code is located here: