I need to add two classes through one ng-class
One looks like
{true: 'bar', false: ''}[someVar === 'bar']
And the other looks like
{foo: someOtherVar === 'foo'}
If I join them
<div ng-class="{true: 'bar', false: ''}[someVar === 'bar'],{foo: someOtherVar === 'foo'}">
it doesn't work. What is the correct syntax ?
here you can do it like this:
<div ng-class="{ 'bar' : someVar === 'bar', 'foo' : someOtherVar === 'bar' }"></div>
Just for brevity you could also do this if you need to add two claases and are checking just one variable.
<div ng-class="{ 'bar foo' : expression1 }"></div>