I've been trying to add some padding to my own Method Boundary Aspect.
StackTrace seems to be of no help, I cannot find a pattern to calculate the frame count baseline, which for simple scenarios is around 12.
public class MyLogger : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
// ...
var ignoreFrameCount = ???; // in simple scenarios is ~12
var n = new StackTrace().FrameCount - ignoreFrameCount;
var padding = String.Empty.PadLeft(n*2);
// ...
I know PostSharp does it (Indentation in Logging)
Is there anyway to accomplish this?
Creating a StackTrace is generally really really slow and I would not certainly recommend it during logging.
The easiest way is to declare:
private static int indentLevel;
Then, all you need to do is to properly increment and decrement this variable in OnEntry and OnExit advices.