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Xcodebuild not generating dynamic framework with x86_64 architecture

I am using xcodebuild command to generate dynamic framework. To make it compatible with iPhone 5s simulator I need to build it with x86_64 architecture. but it is not building the framework.

I am using below command for that.

xcodebuild -project $PROJECT_PATH -configuration 'Release' -sdk 'iphonesimulator7.0' clean build ARCHS='x86_64' VALID_ARCHS='x86_64' IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='7.0' TARGET_BUILD_DIR="$BUILD_DIR/build-x86_64" BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR="BUILD_DIR/build-x86_64"

Please help...


  • Thanks for your answers..

    I just found that iphonesimulator7.0 SDK was not installed on my machine so it was failed while building.

    I changed it to iphonesimulator and its working now.