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Local Npm module "grunt-legacy-util" not found. Is it installed?

i have a problem with grunt serve,(i dont know if it's normal) grunt serve said me "works without errors" but the first message is local npm module "grunt-legacy-util" not found. Is it installed?", i need to delete node_modules folder and make npm install to can work with the server. i do grunt update, npm install grunt-legacy-util, npm install,npm update, but say same message...i use angularjs make with yeoman and webstorm, any idea please?


  • You can run a sudo command on it as perhaps the file isn't accessible/hidden (for some odd reason).

    sudo npm install -g grunt-legacy-util

    Check out this GitHub post should that not work:

    It could also be that your NPM that is installed globally is clashing with the NPM in your root directory. Though unlikely.