I'm new in Erlang development. I'm trying to read value of AccessToken from mnesia table (stored in 'users' table).
In my code I've done:
BUser = boss_db:find(users, [{email, 'equals', MyEmail}]),
[{_,_,BEmail,BName,BPassword,_,BAccessToken}] = BUser,
io:format("User Details ~n~p~n", [BUser]),
io:format("Access Token ~n~p~n", [BAccessToken]),
I get:
User Details
[{users,"users-1","mymail@someemail.org","Some Name","somepassword",'',''}]
The Last field is AccessToken and it is printed as:
Access Token
If AccessToken value is non empty I'll do some operation.
How do I check if AccessToken is empty or not?
I tried:
AccessTokenLength = length(BAccessToken)
if AccessTokenLength > 0 ->
But I get the following error:
Error in controller error badarg [{erlang,length,[''],[]}
I also tried:
case binary_to_list(BAccessToken) =/= [] of
But I get the following error:
Error in controller error badarg [{erlang,binary_to_list,[''],[]}
How do I check the empty condition properly?
You could just pattern match on value
case BAccessToken of
'' ->
%% empty
_ ->
%% not empty
And one more thing. Single quotes in Erlang signifies atom. Usually you can write those with starting lover case letter, like atom
or false
or not_empty
. But sometimes you would like to use some more "complex" atom you could use single quote like 'This is also atom'
. And ''
is just "empty atom.
And empty binary would look like this <<>>