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Koa and Twitter - "Thunking" does not work

I've gotten some third party asynchronous functions to work with Koa through thunking, either by wrapping the function like so: var thunkedFunction = function(params) { return function(callback) { originalFunction(params, callback) }; ) or using the node thunkify library.

However when I try this with ntwitter's stream like so:

var streamThunk = thunkify(;
var stream = yield streamThunk("statuses/filter", {track: track});

I get the following error: "Cannot read property stream_base of undefined".

Digging deeper into ntwitter (built on node-twitter) I see that the function calls this.options.stream_base, and this.options is defined when I call it normally i.e. {...}); but undefined when I thunk the function. Is there any reason that the function loses its scope when thunked, and is there a way to circumvent this?


  • Notice that thunkify doesn't see the tw object. So, the way it's designed, it has no way of knowing the context (tw in your case) of the function it's getting (

    The function returned by thunkify will pass along whatever this context it's called with (source: node-thunkify/index.js).

    This means you should be able to change the second line in your example to:

    var stream = yield, "statuses/filter", {track: track});

    Read more about call.