I'm having a problem with the Scripting Bridge framework in 10.5. Specifically, I use this code to create a new user playlist in iTunes:
NSDictionary *propertiesDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"playlistName" forKey:@"name"];
playlistToReturn = (iTunesUserPlaylist*)[[[iTunesApp classForScriptingClass:@"user playlist"] alloc] initWithProperties:propertiesDict];
SBElementArray *sourcesArray = [iTunesApp sources];
iTunesSource *librarySource = [sourcesArray objectAtIndex:0];
SBElementArray *userPlaylistsArray = [librarySource userPlaylists];
[userPlaylistsArray addObject:playlistToReturn];
This code works fine in 10.6. The playlist is created correctly, and I can add songs to it later.
However, on 10.5, an error is generated:
Apple event:'core'\'crel'{
'kobj':'obj '{
'from':'obj '{
'form':'ID ',
'seld':42 },
'seld':'abso'($206C6C61$) },
'kpos':'end ' },
'pnam':'utxt'("playlistName") }
Error Domain=SBError Code=-10014 UserInfo=0x152c8cb0 "Operation could not be completed. (SBError error -10014.)"
Peter: Thanks for your link, that was enough to get me to start looking for a different solution.
Since 10.5 apparently can't handle creation of objects very well, I've modified the way I create the empty playlist. Instead what I do is create an XML object for the empty playlist, and then use Scripting Bridge's add:to: command which successfully adds the playlist. Then I use Scripting Bridge to search for the newly created playlist. Here's some relevant code:
NSDictionary *innerDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:playlistName forKey:@"Name"];
NSArray *innerArray = [NSArray arrayWithObject:innerDictionary];
NSDictionary *outerDictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:innerArray forKey:@"Playlists"];
[outerDictionary writeToFile:pathToWriteXMLFile atomically:YES];
[iTunesApp add:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:pathToWriteXMLFile]] to:nil];
This successfully creates the playlist on 10.5. Then, to actually retrieve the iTunesUserPlaylist* object:
SBElementArray *playlistArray = [[[iTunesApp sources] objectAtIndex:0] userPlaylists];
NSPredicate *playlistPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name == %@",playlistName];
NSArray *playlistSearchArray = [playlistArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:playlistPredicate];
Note that you can be even more rigorous by looping through the playlistSearchArray and checking whether the playlist is empty -- since it's a newly created playlist, that's the one you want.