I am firing a ball of sticky goo. In my onStart()
I am calling Destroy(Goo, 5f)
which will destroy it after 5 seconds from when it was created.
However, I have an onTriggerEnter()
that is being called when the goo hits the main character. In this case - I want to prolong the life of the goo for an extra 5 seconds.
Is there any way I can do this?
I'm not sure if Unity has anything like this built in, but you could simply use your own internal timer rather than calling a delayed destroy.
void onStart()
mDestroyTimer = 5.0f;
void Update()
mDestroyTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (mDestroyTimer <= 0)
mDetroyTimer += 5.0f;
I'm sure it's possible to come up with a more elegant solution but this should give you good control over the lifespan of the Goo object.