Could you help me out with a "best practice" approach, to iterate over all the elements in an ETS table only once, while updating each element? My table is a private set, and I was about to traverse through it with ets:foldl
, using ets:update_element
in my input function, but I am not sure, if this is a safe approach, as updating elements destructively may give me the same element one other time - according to the documentation. I am not about to insert new keys, only update values, please, tell me, if this approach is safe, or show me an alternative way to achieve the updates efficiently!
Thank you!
You can use first/1
and next/2
. See next/2
doco here:
I think the ets
documentation already answered your concern:
No other support is available within ETS that would guarantee consistency between objects. However, the safe_fixtable/2 function can be used to guarantee that a sequence of first/1 and next/2 calls will traverse the table without errors and that each existing object in the table is visited exactly once, even if another process (or the same process) simultaneously deletes or inserts objects into the table. Nothing more is guaranteed; in particular objects that are inserted or deleted during such a traversal may be visited once or not at all. Functions that internally traverse over a table, like select and match, will give the same guarantee as safe_fixtable.