I need that square image always be the same size on any screen (including mobile, tablet...). So if I take the ruler and measure image on any screen it have to be 5mm for example. It must be in JavaScript.
I wonder if the size of that image depends only of screen's DPI or it depends of screen resolution also? If in JavaScript I detect screen's DPI (and resolution if needed) is there any formula (or some JavaScript function) to calculate image size to get always the same result?
In the end, can I define image size in some unit which will ensure image to be always the same?
I asked the question here because it is connected to JavaScript, if you think that it is more suitable for some other forum please let me know.
If I understand correctly you want an image always to have a fixed absolute physical size. There is no way to achieve that. You can define a width with absolute units like inch, centimeter or millimeter, but the rendered result differs from one screen to another.
Every browser has set internally 1 inch = 96px
, and with that base all other units are calculated. So only if a screen has a physical pixel-size of exactly 25.4 / 96 = 0.26458 mm
an element having width set to 5mm is really 5mm.
But the absolute physical size of a pixel differs widely on different screens and is not detectable by javascript.
EDIT According to your comment: Yes it is possible with your own screen. You can display an element with a width set to 200mm and measure the real width on screen in mm with a ruler. The quotient 200 / your_measurement gives you a conversion factor.
If you now want to set a width to a fixed value you have to multiply that value with the factor.
Display following file and measure the width of the red quadrat:
<!doctype html>
div {width: 200mm; height: 200mm; margin: 50px; background-color: red;}
The conversion factor is valid for all absolute units you want to use.
With some interaction of a user you can calibrate a users screen as they did on the ZEISS page you linked to. The user has to compare the element on screen against a fixed width (e.g. width of a credit card = 54mm). Since here the user is fixed and the code does the measurement, calculation of the factor is contrariwise: conversion factor f = code_result / 54
I have made a FIDDLE here with 0.5mm-steps to get more accuracy.