I have AngularJS frontend app with PHP backend. Also I use ng-clip ( zeroclipboard ) and datatables with server-side processing. All rows are returned from server side and one output of row looks like this:
"aaData": [
"id": 287,
"email": "random@email.com",
"displayName": "Name Surname",
"role": "Some Role",
"school": "Some school",
"section": "Some section,
"token": "<button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-default\" type=\"button\" clip-copy=\"'https://somesite.com/register?token=DPXpGssPzQYrkiH6Oktw9mvtw5BzWLAb '\"><i class=\"fa fa-copy\"></i></button>",
"datetime": "06.10.2014 20:51",
"actions": "<button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-default\" type=\"button\"><i class=\"fa fa-pencil\"></i></button>\n <button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-danger btn-default\" type=\"button\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i></button>"
And because that datatatables gets output ng-clip plugin isn't working. I don't know why it's not working but looks like datatable rows are loaded after ng-clip, that is loaded on pageload, so
Question is how can I re-init ng-clip so each row's button would work, or how can I could make workaround for this ?
"token": "<button class=\"btn btn-sm btn-default\" type=\"button\" clip-copy=\"'https://somesite.com/register?token=DPXpGssPzQYrkiH6Oktw9mvtw5BzWLAb '\"><i class=\"fa fa-copy\"></i></button>"
Button should copy contents of clip-copy=""
which differs in each row.
This demonstrates that first button does copy, and copy buttons in datatable rows aren't working
Indeed, because you load the data after angular, it will not compile the clip-copy
directive. To force this behavior, you can recompile your table element on each redraw
of your table.
Basically, use the fnDrawCallback
option provide by Datatables, and $compile
.withOption('fnDrawCallback', function(table) {
Here is your updated Plunkr
As a side note, you don't have to explicitly write anything in your HTML like you did with the <thead>
, it's automatically generated. You should also take a look at ngAnnotate to prevent you to use the redundant array-based syntax.