I have looked over the 'questions that may have your answer' without any luck. nothing worked for me there :(
Although it seems that I have a very simple case, something goes wrong...
I have the following HTML:
<div ng-controller="eventController as eventCtrl">
<select ng-init="eventCtrl.userDetails.station = eventCtrl.eventDetails.stations[0]" ng-model="eventCtrl.userDetails.station" ng-options="o as o for o in eventCtrl.eventDetails.stations"></select>
And my angular app looks like this:
(function() {
var app = angular.module('eventRegistration', []);
var conn = new dataConn();
app.controller('eventController', ['dataService', function(dataService) {
var eventCtrl = this;
eventCtrl.eventDetails = {};
eventCtrl.userDetails = {};
.then(function (events) {
eventCtrl.eventDetails = events[0];
app.service('dataService',['$q', function($q) {
return {
getActiveEvents: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
conn.getActiveEvents(function(events) {
return deferred.promise;
My eventCtrl.eventDetails object will finally looks like this (I'm getting an array of those from the server and for now using only the first one):
"date":new Date(2014, 10, 2),
"isActive": true,
"stations":['STATION_A', 'STATION_B'],
I'm trying to set the model of the user's selected station to eventCtrl.userDetails.station and initiate its value to the first station of eventCtrl.eventDetails.stations using ng-init.
It is important to mention that the stations data (all event details actually) is being fetched async (using deferred object).
The result of my code is a selection box with 'STATION_1' and 'STATION_B' values, but I have an additional first empty value. it seems that something is wrong in my the ng-init definition.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
**ng-selected** will fit your need.
After making an async call to the server, assign the value which you want to initialize to a scope variable and use that variable in ng-selected.
`<select ng-if="selecteditem" ng-model="selecteditem" ng-options="item for item in items.name" ng-selected="selecteditem">
Here selecteditem is the variable which you want to initialize.
`myapp.controller('ItemCtrl',['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http) //No I18N
$scope.items = {"name":['first','second']}
$scope.selecteditem = $scope.items.name[0]
Since you mentioned an async call use **ng-if** such that select will be displayed only it has data.You can display some default values using **ng-if="!selecteditem"**
see the plnkr http://plnkr.co/edit/hv2OI1If1FMGhV0dgj9a?p=preview