I have a large data set that has approximately 100 names of managers. Now, I need to export the data by manager name so that I have a single dataset for each manager. I am able to use a macro to create a separate dataset for each manager (essentially, a category) using the code:
%macro break(byval);
data &byval;
set final(where=(Project_Manager_Name="&byval"));
data _null_;
set final;
by Project_Manager_Name;
if first.Project_Manager_Name then
call execute(%nrstr('%break('||trim(Project_Manager_Name)||')'));
This is where I get stuck. I just need .xlsx files of each and include the name of the manager at the end of each file name, like:
proc export
data = final
dbms = xlsx
outfile = "&OUTPUT.\Final_Report_ManagerName.xlsx"
I assume I put the &byval
macro variable somewhere in the outfile name, but I'm still getting errors that it's not being reference. Any insight?
To use PROC EXPORT you'll have to write a macro and call PROC EXPORT 100 times. This isn't a fantastic method. You could also use LIBNAME to do the same thing, but instead of 100 export calls, you have 100 dataset names on your data step and 100 select/when/output conditional blocks identifying what to do with each manager's data.
Better ways:
At the end of the day, creating an export macro and calling it similarly to how you call the %break macro (or, more likely, setting the export code inside the %break macro) is probably the easiest thing for you to do, even though it's not really ideal (very long run time for what you're doing).
proc export
data = &byval.
dbms = xlsx
outfile = "&OUTPUT.\Final_Report_&byval..xlsx"
That needs to go inside the %break macro to do this. You can also skip the data step in the byval and just add a WHERE to the export, data=final(where=(Project_Manager_Name="&byval"))