I am trying to print logs into a file by writing macros. My macro looks like as shown below:
#define LOG(fmt,...){\
F = fopen("output.txt","a");\
fprintf(F,fmt " %s %d",__VA_ARGS__,__FILE__,__LINE__);}
And I plan to call LOG in the following format:
LOG("values are : %d %d",num1,num2);
But when I compile I get the error
error: expected expression before ‘,’ token
fprintf(F,fmt " %s %d",__VA_ARGS__,__FILE__,__LINE__);}
Can someone please explain where I am going wrong?
First of all you have to wrap you macro into a do-while loop, so it will be handled with expressions correctly.
#define LOG( fmt , ... ) do{ }while(0)
Then you have to make sure that fopen() call succeeds and that you close the file after usage.
FILE* f = fopen( "output.txt" , "a" ) ;
if( !f )
break ; //break works because you are in a loop
fclose( f ) ; //also flushes the stream
Then you include the print in the full macro.
#define LOG( fmt , ... ) \
do{ \
FILE* f = fopen( "output.txt" , "a" ) ; \
if( !f ) \
break ; \
fprintf(f, fmt" %s %d\n",__VA_ARGS__,__FILE__,__LINE__); \
fclose( f ) ; \
}while( 0 )
The call is in the form:
LOG("values are : %d %d",4444,55555);
where you have to input at least one correct optional parameter, with the corresponding flag in the string.