I have this myObject decalred in foo.js, and modifed in bar.js.
And I tried to get the result when getScript is done. However it seems myObject is not a global variable if it is decalred inside jQuery.
Can someone please explain this to me?
// this works fine, but I want to decalre it inside jQuery
var myObject = {
str: "hello world",
num: "123"
$(function() {
// this makes myObject NOT a global valriable
var myObject = {
str: "hello world",
num: "123"
alert(myObject.str + " " + myObject.num);
$.getScript("bar.js", function() {
alert(myObject.str + " " + myObject.num);
$(function() {
myObject = {
str: "new string",
num: "999"
OK, thanks Arun, but this works... window
$(function() {
// global variable defined inside function
window.myObject = {
str: "hello world",
num: "123"
// ...