I'm getting an unreachable statement error with this boolean declaration. I know unreachable usually means meaningless, but I need the isValid statement for my while loop to work. Why am I getting this error and how can I fix it? Here is my code.
I'm getting the error on boolean isValid;
Thank you in advance, for any input you might have.
public static double calculateMonthlyPayment(double loanAmount, double monthlyInterestRate, int months)
double monthlyPayment =
loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate/
(1 - 1/Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterestRate, months));
return monthlyPayment;
boolean isValid;
isValid = false;
//while loop to continue when input is invalid
while (isValid ==false)
System.out.print("Continue? y/n: ");
String entry;
entry = sc.next();
if (!entry.equalsIgnoreCase("y") && !entry.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
System.out.println("Error! Entry must be 'y' or 'n'. Try again.\n");
isValid = true;
} // end if
} // end while
double entry = 0;
return entry;
Yes, you have a return
on the previous line. The method is done.
return monthlyPayment; // <-- the method is finished.
boolean isValid; // <-- no, you can't do this (the method finished on the
// previous line).