I test my application using Spock framework, the tests are written in Groovy.
As a result of some method evaluation I have a list of objects. I want to test if this list is the same as the list I expect. I have coded the following:
def expectedResults = [ ... ] //the list I expect to see
def isEqual = true;
def realResults = getRealResultsMethod() //get real results in a list here
expectedResults.each {isEqual &= realResults.contains(it)}
0 * errorHandler.handleError(_) //by the way assert that my errorHandler is never called
This is one of my first experiences with Groovy, so may be I am missing something?
What confuses me is 'equals' operator in Groovy and Spock. Given Java ArrayList or Java array, equals operator is simply identity operator: equals is ==. In Groovy as far as I understand default equals operator is really equals (form here: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Differences+from+Java). But what is 'equals' for Groovy List or Set?
To be more precise. I want to find out wether the two lists have the same objects, no extra objects for both list, the order doesn't matter. For example:
println(list == list1) //should be equal, if we use == not equal
println(list == list2) //should not be equal, if we use == not equal
Just do:
def expectedResults = [ ... ]
def realResults = getRealResultsMethod()
realResults == expectedResults
Or, if you don't care about order (which is breaking the contract of List, but there you go), you could do:
realResults.sort() == expectedResults.sort()
Or convert them to sets or something