I want to create registry key through java program to add the jar file in the start up.
RegistryKey r=new RegistryKey(RootKey.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run");
But i got the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ca.beq.util.win32.registry.RegistryKey.testInitialized()V
at ca.beq.util.win32.registry.RegistryKey.testInitialized(Native Method)
How can i do that?
Add the JRegistryKey.jar
in the library.
Then copy and paste JRegistryKey.dll
in my project.
After that I run the same program ,The registry key is created successfully.
RegistryKey r=new RegistryKey(RootKey.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run");
RegistryValue v=new RegistryValue("name or the registrykey",ValueType.REG_SZ,"my jar file path");